Ulang Tahun Saat Pandemi Covid-19

Hi Mom...
selamat ulang tahun buat yang barengan ultahnya sama gw ya, 8 Mei. Ultah ditengah pandemi Covid-19 gini cuma dirayakan bertiga dan di rumah aja pastinya.

Cuma sehari sebelumnya kita coba keluar buat beli cake atas request yang ultah, gw wkwkwwkwkkw. pingin cheese cake dan yang dekat hanya The Harverst yang ada di Buaran.

Gak ada kado kadoan, gw cuma pingin sehat dan bisa ke rumah mami. Kado benerannya nanti aja kalo pandemi sudah berlalu.

Seperti biasa suami gw bikinin kalimat ala ala romantis gini di FB. Walaupun kali ini gw todong soalnya karena banyak kerjaan dia gak sempat bikinin.

Falling for you was the greatest good that my heart ever did me
I am so fortunate to be the one you have decided to spend the rest of your life with.
You are the real queen of my castle and you will rule in that castle till this world comes to an end

It’s amazing how after all these years of marriage, you still take my breath away like you did on the first day we met.
Happy birthday to my true life companion and the mother of my beautiful daughter
Enjoy every single moment of your Big Day
Once again, Happy Birthday…
